The Definitive Rap
The Definitive Rap is a Podcast reporting the truth about American exceptionalism. We love our flag. We love our country. We respect people of faith, and the men and women in blue. Pro-America, and Pro-Israel. Weekly Political commentary with expert guests discussing current issues.
The Definitive Rap
Israel Economy In The Balance: Interview with Erica Schachne editor of The National Magazine and Jerusalem Post
Alan Skorski and Baila Sebrow
With tourism drastically down as a result of Corona, Israel’s financial road to recovery hangs in the balance. Erica Schachne discusses how Israelis are living their lives with regard to helping the economy by increasing cultural interest, including a new play about the murder of Koby Mandel OUT OF THE CAVE, INTO THE LIGHT that was scheduled to debut on Jan. 11th. She also spoke about how Israeli's are refusing to allow fear of the virus to take over their lives.